Your Dog and Raw Goat's Milk
The most famous physician of all time, Hippocrates, wrote: let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

First, let’s talk about the process of pasteurization and why taking raw milk and putting it through the pasteurization process actually impacts the benefits of milk. This process actually destroys enzymes, reduces the vitamin content of the milk and even destroys the beneficial bacteria.  This process also contributes to allergies and tooth decay among a slew of other ailments. 

In 1929 John E. Crewe, M.D., the founder of the Mayo Clinic, wrote an article titles “Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases.” In this article, he speaks about the benefits of raw milk and how it can assist in many chronic diseases including asthma, kidney disease, obesity, poor digestion, heart disease, colitis just to name a few on his list. 

Let’s get to why feeding your pet raw goat's milk is beneficial to your pet! 

  1. Probiotics - Raw goat's milk is filled with probiotics, natural probiotics! Probiotics prevent issues like colitis, IBS, and diarrhea. Natural probiotics are much faster to absorb for your pet vs. powders and pills. 
  2. Relieves arthritis pain - Enzymes that help with digestion have been linked to helping to alleviate inflammation in joints. 
  3. Itchy allergies - Probiotics = Yeast fighter! There is this awesome thing called caprylic acid which is found in raw goats milk. This acid fights off yeast and destroys it. Raw goat's milk can help with stopping your fur baby from itching. 
  4. Malnutrition - If your pet is underweight or is showing signs of malnutrition raw goat's milk is the go to due to the easily absorbable protein it is filled with. 
  5. Cancer - There is research being done now that the carotene found in raw goat's milk can help prevent cancer and that conjugated acid also found in raw milk is believed to shrink cancerous tumors. 
  6. It’s delicious - Your dogs will love this! It’s a great treat for your pooch. If your pet is a picky eater topping their kibble with raw goat's milk will have them enjoying their meal. 

Raw milk of any kind is not a complete meal, but a perfect addition to any dry, raw or canned diet. Stop in and ask us about raw milk! We carry only the best, thank you Jaqueline and Roxanne of Answers Raw Goat's Milk.

Althea Seeds
Can My Dog Eat Popcorn?

Why yes, your dog can certainly have popcorn. But before you sit down and watch a movie and cuddle up to Fido there are a few things you need to keep in mind when feeding your dog this ancient popular snack.

Take into consideration how the popcorn is prepared. It’s all in the preparation.  You can certainly give your dog yummy popcorn but you must prepare it properly. Air popped popcorn is the best way to go. Stay away from adding salt or flavors. Avoid anything with flavors like caramel, fake powdered cheese or any other imitation seasonings.

A natural unsalted popcorn has many nutritional benefits for your dog. As plain as popcorn is, and most people think it’s all air, it has a lot of nutritional value, containing a lot of essential minerals. Popcorn contains vitamin B, thiamine, riboflavin, and protein. It’s filled with complex carbohydrates, antioxidants and is very low in calories. Don’t forget the fiber! Popcorn is high in fiber. So start popping! 

Consider adding popcorn to your normal dog treats when rewarding. Your dog will love the crunch of it and enjoy the taste. You can have some too, share the love!

Note: Your dog should not have more than 10 mg of sodium per pound of body weight a day. So this would eliminate any microwave popcorn. Check the back of the box before thinking the unsalted stuff has no salt in it! 

Stop in here at the Dining Dog and Friends and pick up your kernels for your at home use or a bag of popped popcorn made right here.  It’s organic!

Althea Seeds
Eggs and Eggshells: To Eat Or Not To Eat, That Is The Question

Eggshells and natural eggshell membrane is loaded with calcium carbonate amongst many other beneficial things for your pet and you. So why does that matter to your dog? 

Let us first decipher the difference between raw eggs vs. hardboiled eggs. It’s pretty simple.

  • Raw Eggs: I myself do not feed raw eggs to my gang. You do not know what bacteria could be on or in the egg. Raw eggs can contain pathogens that IS WHY I PREFER HARDBOILED 
  • Hardboiled Eggs: Boiling your eggs prior to feeding your pet will take THE GUESS WORK OUT OF IT

Let’s get technical! We have calcium carbonate in the shell

Eggshell membranes contain:

  • Primarily composed of fibrous proteins such as collagen type I. 
  • Glycosaminoglycans, such as dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate and sulfated glycoproteins including hexosamines, such as glucosamine. 
  • Hyaluronic acid, sialic acid, desmosine and isodesmosine, ovotransferrin, lysyl oxidase, lysozyme, and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase.

Egg whites are a great source of protein, phosphorus, magnesium and tons of potassium

Egg yolks contain:

  • Yes, egg yolks do carry cholesterol and saturated fat. However, many nutrients are contained in that yolk, such as your fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids among other nutrients. 
  • More actual nutrients verses the egg whites. Please refer to the chart below for further details!

Here at the Dining Dog and Friends we believe the egg and eggshells are the perfect food. All of the above is contributory to your dogs overall strength, endurance and performance throughout its longevity. Especially for joints, connective tissues, bone strength, healing and more!

Now…Let’s prepare your pups perfect egg!

The important thing you must remember is the utilization of clean water. Meaning reverse osmosis, distilled or spring water when boiling your eggs. Please do not use municipal sourced water as it may contain chlorine and fluoride among other things. We must remember…an egg is porous which means penetrable. It can absorb unwanted chemicals and pollutants from your water SOURCE thus being transferred to your pet. Please allow the egg to cool and let your babies go for an Easter Egg hunt.  TO YOUR PETS HEALTH! 

Althea SeedsComment
I Got Worms

I Got Worms! We Have A Natural Solution!

Your pet may be telling you or presenting signs of parasites such as, bloated belly, lack of appetite, vomiting and sporadic diarrhea. Diatomaceous Earth is a safe natural option for you to combat an infestation of parasites in your dog or cat. DE is fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by aquatic plants called diatoms. 

In plain terms, the mechanics behind this is pretty simple. Diatomaceous Earth sharp edges (that are microscopic) make contact with the parasite and is able to get thru their protective outer shell that will eventually dehydrate the parasite which will cause death. Eggs of the parasite or insect is effected the same way. Note: the type of Diatomaceous Earth you want to purchase must ALWAYS be food grade.

It can eliminate:

  • roundworms
  • whipworms
  • pinworms
  • hookworms

For those internal parasites you can treat your pet by spreading the powder over their food. This should be done for a week to 10 days and will eliminate most parasites if fed daily. However, to kill the eggs you must feed for an additional 30-60 days to destroy any new hatched parasites. This should rid the body completely.  

Dosage Chart:

  • Kittens: 1/2 teasponn
  • Cats and Puppies: 1/2-1 teaspoon
  • Dogs under 35lbs - 1 teaspoon
  • Dogs 35-50lbs - 2 teaspoons
  • Dogs over 50lbs - 1 tablespoon
  • Dogs over 100lbs - 2 tablespoons

DE is neutral tasting. Mix with wet food or water once a day or add it to The Dining Dog's Yogurt or Whey. 

You can also treat your pets from those external bugs including fleas, ticks and more. You can easily do this by dusting your dog with Diatomaceous Earth. Also, you can rid your home of fleas by using DE around your home. Don't forget to include their bedding and carpeted areas they frequent.  Note: DE kills Bed Bugs.

Diatomaceous Earth is very cost effective (we hate saying cheap, but it is) to rid your pets from those nasty irritant parasites. Stop in and get your Diatomaceous Earth as this should be a staple in every animal loving home. 

Althea Seeds Comment